Trends in Wearable Tech

Wearable tech is a glimpse of the future. From fitness trackers that record data to virtual reality headsets that create another world, wearables are changing our lives!

Wearable health tracking technology monitors and analyzes health data over time to enable patients improve their self-care management overtime. They can also facilitate remote doctor visits, monitor medication adherence and reduce hospital stays or readmissions.

Fitness Trackers

The centre of wearable technology is fitness trackers. Ranging from wristbands and smartwatches to garments with integrated sensors and apparel-mounted trackers containing embedded sensors, these tireless data collectors document real-time heart rate, sleep patterns and stress level recordings. Moreover, employees are encouraged by them to set health goals while monitoring their achievements towards them.

Many fitness trackers can also detect abnormal health metrics and send alerts directly to users or healthcare providers for early identification of problems as well as patient monitoring at a distance – which could save both time & money for those who would otherwise need an in-person doctor visit.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is being increasingly integrated into fitness trackers so that personalized medical warnings can be given based on every user’s individual measurements alongside coaching recommendations. But this should only serve as a supplement for overall employee wellness programs covering all dimensions of wellness rather than just physical components alone.


From basic trackers to smartwatches with advanced fitness and health features, wearable devices have taken over the wellness industry. Some of these health wearables now come with 16+ sensors which track movement, heart rate and stress levels; others even have built-in ECG monitors like the Embrace by Empatica that detect seizures too.

These gadgets are also reshaping the patient-doctor relationship by allowing doctors to keep an eye on healing progress remotely without having patients come back into hospital facilities for adjustments when needed or even being able to identify complications earlier on thereby adjusting treatment plans accordingly.

Fossil recently announced that it would be discontinuing its production of Wear OS watches for iOS devices, while Mobvoi’s TicWatch Pro 5 only works with Android-powered phones – this makes switching brands harder than ever. However, many wearables also come with gamification or personalized feedback features which help motivate users to engage more.

Smart Glasses

In healthcare, wearable tech has found an ally in remote patient monitoring and telemedicine. It provides doctors with better diagnosis accuracy by allowing them access patients’ information remotely and this helps cut down on hospital readmissions too – saving time as well as money.

Smart devices which connect via initial setup with an authentication code or PIN and encryption are able to protect end-users data from hackers. Also, firmware should always be kept up-to-date since older hardware is often targeted by hackers.

As consumers become more tech-savvy they will demand greater things from manufacturers thus leading to quick market growth; nevertheless how seamless these gadgets fit into people’s everyday lives is what will determine their success – some have failed simply because they were designed without considering human interaction points. Designers need to conduct extensive user testing alongside their product(s) so as not overlook any future missteps caused by environmental considerations lest we wantlessly create e-waste through poor designing hence ensuring that products can seamlessly blend into users’ lives without becoming redundant over time.


The headset sector is currently experiencing a boom. This comes as no surprise especially when taking into account the fact that AR and VR wearable technology can thrive due to 5G connectivity being available.

If marketers can use it right and focus on millennials who love immersion, marketing can be taken to a whole different level with these technologies.

Diagnostic and assistive devices are another wearable tech trend that is good for more than tracking workouts; examples include an exoskeleton designed for people with mobility impairments or a smart patch for administering medication through the skin. Additionally, such gadgets lack screens but instead rely on LEDs, haptics or sound to interact with users, thereby changing our way of life while also transforming the panorama of wearables.

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